White World

By Uma Nair | Daily Pioneer

Sachin’s metamorphosis

Sachin’s works at Art Motif belong to his series Sites of Metamorphosis, which were earlier seen at the Vadehra Art Gallery. This Communication Design graduate from National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, was first discovered by Pooja Sood of Khoj, who gave him a residency. Sachin creates a cohesive language when he gives us his own ideas of the city taking hold of the consciousness of its inhabitants. It presents a materiality that is carried forward beyond the boundaries of the city.

In an interview in 2016, he said, “A city is about experiences related to change. We humans undergo transformations and trace it to multiple sites, the inner space within us and the physical manifestation outside of us. I have been working for a few years on the notion of how a city continually undergoes transformation and how even the subjects change. Within the deep and obvious set of transitions, some people are able to deal with it, while some struggle and a few rise above the others. We also see a city defined by those who change themselves and those who change the city. It is very difficult to draw the line between them. My work is focussed on this amalgam.” For him, the act of cutting with a pair of scissors is interpreting the matrix of change.

29 October 2019