‘The exhibition Three Storey House uses the conventional structure of a house to chart out a conceptual/philosophical movement rising upwards from the base – along a pathway of pleasure and pedagogy to ascend to a meditative sublime celebration of love in all its wonderous hues. The movement is also an ascent from black-and-white towards a pure sensuality of colour; from the cacophony of dirty politics to the heraldic grandeur of flags and banners, and onto a pared-down simplicity of materiality and abstraction.


The timeline of the works reveals a reverse movement here: the catastrophic isolation of the pandemic experience [a deep excavation of interiority], the need for Eros as an antidote to the raging Thanatos, moving down to truisms and wisdom sayings that welcome interiority and still further down to an “Animal Farm”, a “Dada” place – with carnivorous leopards and snake-charmers cheered on by foot soldiers, while alienated individuals drunk on an unmindful “me” culture climb on each other’s back to create a mountain of aspiration on the peak of which stands a larger-than-life supreme leader.’


–Anita Dube