Bhupen Khakhar: D-40, Defence Colony, New Delhi

9 - 25 March 2002

"Much of the work in this exhibition at the Vadehra Art Gallery represents a new development in Bhupen's art. Never before was it so black and sombre as it is in some of the paintings here. Whether this development marks a new phase, only time will tell. For the moment, at any rate, these black and sombre pictures have got produced simultaneously with others that are more in consonance with Bhupen's art as it has evolved over the last forty years.

And yet, perhaps, this new development does not hit us as an altogether disjunctive shift. It appears now that it has happened-to rather unfold something that had lain dormant in the personal teleology, as it were, that began imperceptibly to form as Bhupen took seriously his vocation as an artist. So integral do these 'aberrant' paintings seem to what has preceded them over the years, that the earlier work, by virtue to this new unfolding, begins to reveal dimensions that it then did not appear to possess."


- An excerpt from the exhibition essay by Sudhir Chandra.