“We are delighted to present a solo presentation of small-scale landscapes and abstract works by Atul Dodiya. A few of these works are being offered for the first time by the artist, making it a special body of work for In Touch. Atul has achieved a beautiful and intense quality in these small-scale works, which is a delight for all collectors looking to add a work of Atul in their collection. We are looking forward to connecting with our In Touch alongside the new collections being presented by all the participating galleries.”

- Roshini Vadehra

Atul Dodiya’s recent oil paintings are a powerful presentation of his consistently evolving meditation on the solitary figure in a landscape; a romanticized, idealized landscape, sometimes barren like the Biblical deserts and sometimes lush like in the Indian miniature paintings inhabited by protagonists in gestures of intensity and exaggeration. The dynamism recalls a plurality of art-historic contexts – the Indian Modernist painters and the Italian pre-Renaissance masters. They carry the artist’s interests in the mystical quality that nature both conceals and reveals, evoking the pure and beautiful. The exercise becomes one of spiritual longing as much as skill, as Dodiya believes that all artists who were drawn towards painting landscapes were perhaps seeking the sublime. When asked, however, Dodiya admits that he thinks of these landscapes simply as landscapes.