"There is nothing but nature. Not even a single element of "culture" is present. There is a path. It is not a "man-made" road but the trace of the human being who has been trading as part of nature. It is something like the Heideggerian "field path" and where one can listen "the silent call of the earth". Richard Long in the recent years has been brushing long paths "to clear away" the traces of the humans as if to brush or sweep humanity aside so that a 'region' can come to appearance as the granting of a hymn or ode to beauty. But the path in Paramjit Singh's paintings suggests a human presence. The human being is positioned just in front of the painting. One reaches a place where one suddenly realizes that one is surrounded by the dense trees, bushes or thick grass.
At present the artistic art of Paramjit Singh is garlanding nature. It is a kind of apotheosis of nature. Celebrating the wilderness of nature, its variety of moods in golden yellow, viridian green, vermilion red and purple attract and hold the viewer wonderstruck. A little space in the form of a path or a stream or a patchy region directs the viewer to enter further these dense landscapes: the call of nature. Therefore the artist selects the mesmerizing aspects of nature to present through the works of art. He is not improving nature; but, tries to improve our concern for nature."
- M. Ramachandran
November 1995