(ME)(MORY) is a women’s group show curated by Dipti Anand, featuring nine artists with Subcontinental presences or origins, including Faiza Butt, Ruby Chishti, Anoli Perera, Bakula Nayak, Apnavi Makanji, Rakhi Peswani, Himali Singh Soin, Biraaj Dodiya, and Shrimanti Saha.
(ME)(MORY) sets a stage for interdisciplinary conversations around the nature of self- building by inviting empathetic and philosophical reflection on constructions of identity or experience. In this excerpt from her curatorial essay, Anand writes: “Since the self is as much remembered as it is present, its narrativization requires a sensitive and cross-sectional articulation of the self as ‘no longer’ and ‘not yet’ from where the ‘is’ emerges. The self-generating individual is a subject beset equally with conviction and vagaries, which are cognitively expressible in art, as in life, as symbol, as figure, as truth, as dream, as myth or as landscape. In (ME)(MORY), the artists approach the construction of these artworks as they might the construction of themselves, from a quasi-dream-like state, or an ecstasis, or states of overpowering emotion, seemingly shedding their exterior bodies for the visceral and whimsical world of within.” Interested in exploring the multi-sensory and multi-dimensional narratives of the self through world-building, memory, personal history, cultural consciousness and creative process, the show presents a perceptual collection of interpretations on the imagined or invented self, challenging the traditional literary genre of memoir by incorporating elements of possibility rather than just evidence.