Imagined Immortals, Anju Dodiya’s latest solo exhibition from 17 January to 14 February, 2015. Created in 2014 - 2015, the series comprises of a set of mixed media works, with gouache and collage elements that have been worked out on printed pages of the reproduction of old medical illustrations.
The works are a condensation of the artist’s internal monologue, which has been the locus of her practice ever since its inception. Imagined Immortals explores mortality, the fragile nature of the human body and the heroic aspirations that keep it going. The artist’s inward looking gaze, ever present in her works, focuses here on the people that we choose to remember and how this act of remembering, grants them ‘immortality’. It is through these acts (of memory-making) that we forget our own mortal nature and death then becomes a lie.